Contribution: EP, Director of Photography / Camera Operator
Contribution: EP, Camera Operator
This was a 3-part series of videos showcasing a collaboration with ovo40, Drake's producer, and Native Instruments. "Toronto Rising" featured Noah's experience growing up in Toronto & the "Walkthrough" featured a sit-down interview style breakdown of the collaboration & products. We also featured T-Minus testing out the product in "Sketches" with an ovo40 cameo.

“Toronto Rising” NI x ovo40 Documentary
@ovo40 for @nativeinstruments
Director/DP @alimsabir
Creative Director @alastairoloo
Producer @nshaps
Producer @nshaps
Producer @alimsabir
Associate Producer @crocodile_funk
Artist Liaison @djdna
PM @hajermustafaxx
Cam B @nshaps
1st AC/DIT @zacharyjguy
Key Gaff @cvptur
Location Sound @ryanlabrie
Photographer @anthonynusca
Editor @duepinlac
1st Assistant Editor @markaguido
2nd Assistant Editor @parniks
Colourist @bykevinwu
Colour House @artjail
Sound Design & Mix @saintfall_
Sound Engineer Stewart Walker
COVID Officer @joannegnatek
PA Ashley Fleisher
Second Unit
Director/DP @alimsabir
Cam B @adriananvari
1st AC/Car Rig @zacharyjguy
2nd AC @iirmsunga
Grip/Gaff @iamjasondam
Sound @dylanargument
PA @_willshaw
Powered by @ontariocamera
Special thanks to @tenfoldproduction @theodemeke_ @jackperos @xavtu @tier0 @daniel_shojaei
@kwest88 Scandalis, Les, @stareyezzz & Barry McManus
“40’s VERY OWN DRUMS AND KEYS” Walkthrough @ovo40 for @nativeinstruments
Producer @nshaps
Producer @alimsabir
PM @hajermustafaxx
Director @crocodile_funk
Co-Director @stareyezzz
Artist Liaison @djdna
DP @alimsabir
Cam B @nshaps
1st AC/DIT @zacharyjguy
Key Gaff @cvptur
Location Sound @ryanlabrie
Photographer @anthonynusca
Edit & Colour @robin.thomson
Sound Engineer Stewart Walker
COVID Officer @joannegnatek
PA Ashley Fleisher
Special thanks to @ontariocamera @tenfoldproduction @theodemeke_ @jackperos @daniel_shojaei
"Sketches" with @tminus & @ovo40 for @nativeinstruments
Producer @nshaps
Director @crocodile_funk
Co-Director @stareyezzz
PM @hajermustafaxx
Photographer @anthonynusca
DOP/Cam A @nshaps
Cam B @adriananvari
1st AC @zacharyjguy
Key Gaff/DIT @cvptur
Sound @ryanlabrie
Edit @marknickels & @robin.thomson
COVID Officer @joannegnatek
PA Ashley Fleisher
Special thanks to @ontariocamera @tenfoldproduction @theodemeke_ @jackperos @daniel_shojaei